What were your plans this weekend? Well, I cleaned my house, went out with some friends and ate a lot of street food. Pizza is addicting, who cares about carbs. But this week - not so typical for California. Welcome to Coachella, my friends.
This is the time of year that we all wish we just lived here (seriously, that would make life a lot easier!) Two weekends out of the whole year that some people wait their lives for. People come all around the world for this event. Imagine how many people you can actually meet. Anyways. I’m going to continue to enjoy my cup of coffee in Florida, on the other side of the country while all my friends send my snapchats of their glory time in the West Coast.
I’ll have my own party, at least I can stream live this year! Unfortunately, with graduation coming up and my birthday coming up, I was unable to make it. Brb while I count down the days until next year. I’ll forgive myself later for this. With The 1975 and Kayne Sunday Service, this is an event that will be H I S T O R Y. You heard it here first.
Coachella fashion is such a vast art inspiration in the last few years, and something I can sit to research for hours. Personally, this event turned my fashion career to another level, and a very strong reason I started blogging in the first place. Coachella has changed so many peoples’ lives and I truly think that’s a huge part of being part of event planning. This was (ha, who am I kidding – still is) a big part of my dream, and future. Events that can make you ~feel~ something is well worth it. Let’s talk about how to survive Coachella. This might be important.
Standing in a crowd for hours can get pretty exhausting, especially if you are not into festivals. First things first, please do not wear sandals. Save your toes, and balance. Usually, you will be on your feet for hours so wearing something comfortable is the best bet. Anywhere from some casual vans or even cute booties with socks. Deserts also get cold at night so keeping this in mind for outfit planning is a necessity. What to wear to Coachella is basically as important as how much water you drink during this event. In all seriousness.
Water, comfy shoes, and a lot of flowers are necessities in Indio, California. You might also want to bring a few outfits, and a cute little festival backpack to carry around with you. Get yours at any Forever 21, Pac Sun, or even a local thrift shop. Crowds of 80,000 people can be rude, and extremely hot so be sure to bring that portable fan with you as well. Speaking of outfits, some of my favorite are below: The trends this year are something worth living for.