Hello, good morning or afternoon – wherever you may be. Another cup of coffee while lounging on my back porch in Florida. I love this time of year because it’s the one “season” you could say where it is not humid, but still warm outside with the casual breeze. This is very rare, if you live here - you know what I mean. Florida winter is the best time to actually be in Orlando at approximately anywhere from 70-80 degrees. Can ya feel it? Honestly, for traveling and going to the parks as well as different attractions, it is perfect weather to explore locally or internationally! Wherever you are from, the culture range is so wide in Orlando, you meet everyone from around the world. Living here has a lot of perks and wearing my sandals is one thing I will never escape from, fear on the other hand. Just kidding, but really.
My dog, Roxanne – Roxy for nickname purposes – will literally lay in the sunshine for hours until where I have to pick her up to put her back inside, or I start cooking. Easier said than done. She is definitely a Florida gal – loves her sunshine, and all the exotic animals that come with the tropical sunshine state.
Tennessee really is missing out on this weather, even though they have great views - I can’t decide which one I enjoy more. I think I could always go with the cute comfy spring streetwear. Enough said, I really cannot deal with cold weather or layers of a bunch of clothes on top of me, I end up feeling claustrophobic like sometimes in the line at Disney when everyone wants to push and shove you, but you’re ending up in the same destination? Never will I fully understand this society we live in. Thank you, millennials and everyone at Disney World. At the end of the day, as long as I am comfy - I’ll be okay - Otherwise, very grumpy. Wby?
When it comes to what to wear when you are constantly on the go or traveling, sometimes you might find it difficult finding a cute, but comfy lounge wear. Little do you know, there are so many ways to style what you already have in your closet. A lot of people feel motivated when wearing more professional clothing, and that’s completely okay – but when you’re traveling in the airport or a car for a few hours, comfort always comes first to me, and who said you’re not going to have luggage anyways? Coffee is better with a little comfort, and love. Plus, you feel more warm and cozy. Even when I’m not traveling or on an adventure – I stay comfortable anyways, it’s who I am. Most likely if you see me walking down the street to Starbucks, I’ll be comfortable while you’re in a blazer and going to sit at the office all day, but enjoy your chai latte.
A few style tips I will share with you –
1. Be consistent
Within my closet, I have way more options than I probably should, but at least I only have four colors which are all neutral. Keeping a solid brand within yourself keeps things more consistent and when it comes to pairing items, more likely they are going to match. I tend to stay neutral because that is what I feel best in - others you might feel good in bright colors.
2. Be your own brand
While studying different aspects of personal branding, I really enjoy this because I feel like my closet is my store. I can walk in and love everything in it. As Marie Kondo said, if it doesn’t spark joy then thank you, next. Doing this can make you realize what you need and what you don’t. This is one way I started to know myself better and who my brand could be.
3. T-Shirts
A lot of people do not think of these being stylish, but there are so many ways to overcome that. You can pair anything with a cute tee from the thrift store or your moms closet. If you ever go to Tennessee, you will notice all you need is a bunch of tee shirts and Nike shorts. There’s more to pair a t-shirt with though, you can tuck it into your jeans, denim shorts or even wear a skirt with a cropped tee. Of course I saved the best for last, pair it with leggings and call it a day.
4. Less is better
Do you ever notice every time we go on vacation or travel somewhere we always add more than what we need? We pack our bags while setting these high expectations of who we are going to be, like oh half of these people don’t know that I wear white every day – so I’m going to pack all white. While we’re at it, let’s bring 5 books and a bunch of irrelevant shit we won’t use. Oh, and I need about 10 outfits for a two night stay. Don’t worry, I’ll only wear one.
Keeping these important details in mind will make your experience much easier and not stressful while in the process of wherever you may go, but can I join? Bringing basic accessories is essential to any trip especially hygiene products – you can never get enough. Some of my favorite travel brands are Joah Brown, Calvin Klein, and Sabo Skirt. These brands are so unique and they focus on comfort which makes you feel good inside and out. Once you feel confident, there is nothing more attractive than that. Be you, and be authentic. When it comes to traveling, the little things are what matters the most. Getting used to packing in an organized way will help with these tips as well. But for now, I’ll catch ya later.